Friday, February 6, 2009

Spring themed circle time action songs

With Spring on it's way, I thought I would start by posting some Spring time action songs, that I have used in some of my classes. I will also include Valentine's songs, and Easter songs.

Drip Drip Drop Drop
Tune: Are you sleeping. Have kids wiggle fingers

Drip drip drop drop Drip drip drop drop Drip drip drop Drip drip drop Rain on my umbrella, rain on my umbrella Drip drip drop Drip drip drop

Rain is falling down
have kids wiggle fingers

Rain is falling down,

rain is falling down

pitter patter, pitter patter

the rain is falling down

Down by the duck pond

Down by the duck pond
Ducks in a row
wibble wobble wibble wobble to and fro (kids wibble/wobble back and forth)
but the one little duck, with the feather on it's back (hand on back)
he led the others with a quack, quack, quack (2 hands together, open and close)

Mr. Sun

oh, Mr. Sun, sun, Mr. golden sun
please shine down on me (hold hands up high bending arms to form a circle)
oh, Mr. sun, sun, Mr. golden sun
hiding behind those trees (hold hands up high spread apart like a tree)
These little children are asking you (point to kids)
to please come out, so we can play with you
Oh, Mr.sun, sun, Mr. golden sun
Please shine down on me (hold hands up high bending arms to form a circle)

Have children standing

When the rain comes down drip drop drip drop (flutter fingers in front of you)
windshield wipers flip flop flip flop (bend arms and move side to side)
boots in puddles plip plop plip plop (stomp feet)
I wish the rain would never stop
drip drop drip drop (flutter fingers)
flip flop flip flop (arms move side to side)
plip plop plip plop (stomp feet)
Plop (jump)

Clouds are floating
Tune: Frere Jacques)

Clouds are floating, clouds are floating
up so high, up so high (point up to the sky)
floating up above us, floating up above us
in the sky, in the sky

I'll plant a little seed
Tune: I'm a little teapot

I'll plant a little seed in the dark dark ground (point to ground)
out comes the yellow sun, big and round (bend arms up high to create a circle)
Down comes the cool rain, soft and slow (flutter fingers)
up comes the little seed, grow, grow, grow (move hands from floor to sky)

It's raining, it's pouring

It's raining, it's pouring (flutter fingers)
the old man is snoring (pretend to sleep)
he went to bed and bumped his head (knock on head)
and didn't get up till morning

Springtime song
Tune: Did you ever see a lassie

My eyes can see it's springtime, it springtime, it's springtime (point to eyes)
My eyes can see it's springtime, the grass is so green (point to eyes)
The green grass, the flowers, the sunshine the showers
My eyes can see it's springtime and I am so glad. (point to eyes)
My ears can see it's springtime,it's springtime,it's springtime (point to ears)
Me ears can see it's springtime the birds sweetly sing (Point to ears)
The birds sing, the lambs bleat, the frogs croak,the bees buzz
My ears can see it's springtime, and I am so glad (point to ears)
My body can feel it's springtime,it's springtime,it's springtime (point to self)
My body can feel it's springtime, the air is so warm (point to self)
The warm air, the breezes, no frost and no freezes
My body can feel it's springtime, and I am so glad (point to self)

Row, row, row, your boat
Different verse from traditional
Have kids rock back and forth

Row, row, row your boat, gently down the stream
merrily, merrily, merrily, merrily life is but a dream
Rock, rock, rock your boat, gently down the stream
If you see a crocodile, don't forget to scream (scream ahhh)

Six little Ducks

Six little ducks that I once knew
fat ones, skinny ones, fair ones too
but the one little duck with the feather on her back she led the others
with a quack, quack, quack
Down to the river they would go, wibble, wobble, wibble, wobble to and fro
but the one little duck with the feather on her back
she led the others with a quack, quack, quack.
Home from the river, they would come, wibble, wobble, wibble, wobble ho hum, hum
but the one little duck with the feather on her back
she led the others with a quack, quack, quack.

The Fuzzy Caterpillar

Tune - Itsy bitsy Spider

The little fuzzy caterpillar,
Curled up on a leaf.
Spun her little chrysalis,
and then fell fast asleep.
While she was sleeping,
She dreamed that she could fly,
And later when she woke up,
she was a butterfly.

Valentine's songs

Be my friend
Tune: Mary had a little lamb

Will you come and play with me, play with me, play with me
Will you come and play with me? Please be my friend.

Valentine's day song
Tune: Mary had a little lamb

You're a special friend of mine
friend of mine, friend of mine,
your a special friend of mine,
be my valentine

Easter songs

Bunny Pokey
Tune: Hokey Pokey(do the same actions as the hokey pokey)

You put your bunny ears in (place hands on head to make bunny ears)
you put your bunny ears out
you put your bunny ears in and you shake them all about
you do the Bunny Pokey and you hop yourself around
that's what it's all about! Shout

Use different body parts - Paws(hands) rabbits foot(feet), bunny self(self)

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